Word Art For Office 2007
Microsoft Office Ribbon Parts of the Word 2. Ribbon. The Microsoft Office Ribbon Huh What are all of these buttonsMicrosoft Graph originally known as Microsoft Chart is an OLE application deployed by Microsoft Office programs such as Excel and Access to create charts and graphs. The Microsoft Office ribbon is a completely new interfacenot only a new look, but new terminology, too. This part of the series will familiarize you with the names of the parts of the ribbon. This is Part 1 of the ribbon series. If you missed the short introduction, follow the link below to get caught up. Lets get started The power of the Microsoft Office Ribbon. You may not realize the hidden power of the ribbon barall of those toolbar icons open up windows such as menus, dialog boxes, and task panes. The Word 2. 00. 7 Paragraph Dialog Box Look familiar If you have used Word before, it should This 2. Many of these windows are literally unchanged from Microsoft Word 2. So once you open them, you should be in familiar territory if you have used Word before. The Microsoft Office interface is very similar from program to program. The tabs and groups are different depending on what program you are using, however the way you use the ribbon is identical. So once you learn the ribbon in Microsoft Word, it will be easier to learn it in the other Office programs. The parts of the Microsoft Office Ribbon. Its time to get familiar with the Microsoft Office interfaceMicrosoft Office Ribbon a new interface and new terminology, too This tutorial explains the parts of the ribbon the Office button, tabs, and more. HcsmzHU/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Word Art For Office 2007' title='Word Art For Office 2007' />Elements always visible in the Office Ribbon. For a discussion about each element, refer to the numbered descriptions. Office Button the Office button hides the Office menu and Word options menu. Click this button to find the open, save, print, and other menu items. Quick Access Toolbar the Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar that shows either above or below the ribbon. It is always in view even when the ribbon is minimized. Tabs the Office ribbon is organized into tabs according to task. Tabs always in view include Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and View. The Add Ins tab is visible when you have add ins installed. Showing the Developer tab in the ribbon is optionalthe tab must be added manually, but once it is added, it is always in view in all Office programs that use the ribbon. Groups each tab is divided into logical groups of buttons. The most popular buttons show in the ribbon. Some groups have additional options that are accessed by clicking a launcher. Dialog Box Launcher clicking the launcher icon opens dialog boxes and task panes. Gallery galleries contain preset formatting options for tables, Word. Art, charts, Smart. Art, and more. More Buttons and Arrows More buttons expand galleries. Smartst Desktop. Plain arrows such as the one shown on the Change Styles button open galleries or submenus. Collapsed Group groups expand and collapse when the document window is resized. A partially collapsed group may display the buttons in a different layout, or a reduced number of items. A fully collapsed group only shows the group name with an arrow button that opens the group submenu. Help Button the Help button links to the embedded Word 2. Program Window Controls the window controls work the same as other Microsoft Windows based program. Clicking the minimize button minimizes the program to the taskbar the maximize button toggles between full screen and reduced size views and clicking the X button exits the program. Elements not always visible in the Office Ribbon. Contextual Tabs these colored formatting tabs appear on the ribbon when certain items, such as pictures, are selected. They disappear when the item is deselected. Galleries the only gallery that is always in view is the Style gallery. Other galleries appear in Contextual tabs when certain items are selected, such as tables or Word. Art, or when arrow buttons are clicked. Task Panes and Dialog Boxes task panes and dialog boxes appear when certain buttons or the dialog box launcher inside a group is clicked. Now that you know the parts of the Microsoft Office ribbon, its time to find out how to use themGo to Part 2 of the Ribbon Series Microsoft Word 2.