Harry Potter 2 The Game Pc
Harry-Potter-and-the-Deathly-Hallows-Part-2.jpg' alt='Harry Potter 2 The Game Pc' title='Harry Potter 2 The Game Pc' />Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets video game Harry Potter Wiki. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets video gameleft. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Developer. Know. Wonder, Eurocom, Griptonite, Argonaut. Released. November 2. April 2. 00. 3 MacDare You Return to HogwartsOfficial tagline. The video game Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was released on 1. November, 2. 00. 2 and published by Electronic Arts. Versions. Five different versions of this game were released for different gaming platforms. Playable characters. Characters. Note not all characters appear in all versions of the game. Ron Weasley Voice Greg Chillin Harrys best friend, usually seen leading Harry to class or to the Quidditch stadium, or in cut scenes. In the computer game, Ron usually leads Harry to challenges instead of classes. Hermione Granger Voice Emily Robison Harrys other best friend, a brainy girl who is rarely with Harry most of the game, except in cut scenes. Harry Potter 2 The Game Pc' title='Harry Potter 2 The Game Pc' />Download. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 PC. Harry Potter 2 The Game Pc' title='Harry Potter 2 The Game Pc' />
She is petrified toward the end of the game. In the computer game, she also leads Harry to classes. Ginny Weasley Voice Victoria Robinson Rons little sister, who Harry has to rescue at the end of the game. In the PS2, Game. Cube and Xbox versions, Harry also has to find Ginnys quill, brass scales and spellotape in Diagon Alley. Fred and George Weasley Voices Lewis Mac. Leod twins, older brothers of Ron and Ginny. They play as Beaters on the Gryffindor. Quidditchteam. They have a very minor role in the computer version they set up the bean trading system seen throughout the school and grounds, but in the home console versions, they give Harry a refresher on the Flipendo spell, teach him how to toss gnomes, and once back at Hogwarts, they open a shop in Gryffindor. Tower where Harry can purchase items like Stink Pellets and Dungbombs, Famous Witches and Wizards cards, and the Alohomora spellbook. In the console versions, the shop is only open at night and on the last day before entering the Great Hall. Neville Longbottom Voice Gary Fairhall one of Harrys roommates a clumsy, forgetful boy. Shop Harry Potter Complete 8Film Collection 2016 Edition Includes Digital Download Bluray UV Copy Region Free. Everyday low prices and free delivery on. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is the second part of a twopart thirdperson shooter video game developed by EA Bright Light and published by. Toverspreuken komen in de Harry Potterboeken geschreven door J. K. Rowling veelvuldig voor. Spreuken worden gebruikt om iets te bereiken wat in de nietmagische wereld. Our Lego Harry Potter Years 57 walkthrough will guide you through the beginning to ending moments of gameplay with strategy tips for this hit sequel to the. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Game Walkthrough Part 17 Harry VS Voldemort Final Battle. You may also like. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban PC Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 PC Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix PC. The video game Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was released on 15 November, 2002 and. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone in its original. In the home console versions he gets trapped behind a tapestry, and Harry has to find the Diffindo spell in order to free him. He is not present in the computer game. Draco Malfoy Voice Lewis Mac. Leod Harrys arch rival, usually found sneaking around at night. Harry also duels him at the Duelling. Club. He is also in the clip where Harry in the figure of Goyle is in the Slytherin Dungeon to talk with Draco. In the computer game, Malfoy is also seen at the House Point Ceremonies. Myrtle Warren Voice Victoria Robinson a ghost who haunts the first floor girls bathroom. Albus Dumbledore Voice Benjamin Stone the Headmaster of Hogwarts. While normally absent from a good part of the game, he features prominently in a cut scene in which he tells Harry that he does not think that Harry is the Heir of Slytherin. He also appears at the end of each day to announce the latest house point totals. Professor Snape Voice Allan Corduner the Potionsmaster. Known for being unusually strict, he is usually to be found in the dungeons, near his classroom. In the computer game, if Harry gets caught in the Slytherin common room while sneaking out, Snape shows up and punishes him. Professor Mc. Gonagall Voice ve Karpf the Transfiguration teacher. Her classroom is located on the left side of the second floor in the computer version. Also in that version, she isnt seen very often because Harry doesnt have any Transfiguration classes. There is a time in between classeschallenges when the classroom has just been open when Mc. Gonagall is holding a class. If Harry enters the classroom, she will give him a warning and send him out. If Harry enters a second time, Mc. Gonagall will take 5 house points away. She also leads Harry to Dumbledores study when Nearly Headless Nick has been petrified. Professor Flitwick Voice Allan Corduner the Charms teacher. His classroom is located on the right side of the second floor in the PC version. Mrs Norris Argus Filchs cat and acts as the caretakers assistant. She is petrified near the begin of the game. Katie Bell She plays Chaser on the Gryffindor. Quidditchteam. Appears sick in the Hospital Wing in the GBC version. Professor Lockhart Voice Mark Lowenthal the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Manhattan Test Series Gmat more. His classroom is located on the third floor. He also is in charge of the Duelling Club, and accompanies Harry and Ron into the Chamber excluding the home console and GBA versions. Rubeus Hagrid Voice Jonathan Kydd a very large half man, half giant, usually found in his cottage in the grounds. He is also seen in a cutscene where he is taken away to Azkaban. In the home console games, he can be found in the Leaky Cauldron. Aragog Voice Fred Ridgeway An Acromantula that dwells in the Forbidden Forest. Professor Sprout Voice ve Karpf the Herbology teacher. She teaches in the greenhouses, which are located on the right hand side of the grounds. Madam Hooch Voice ve Karpf PS2, Game. Cube, Xbox, GBA the Flying teacher. She teaches a flying lesson in an outside lawn area, and thereafter is always found there during the day if Harry wants to try to improve his score on the flight training course. Oliver Wood Voice Lewis Mac. Leod PS2, Game. Cube and Xbox, and PC Gryffindor. Quidditchteam Captain. He calls Harry to his first Quidditch practise of the year, and thereafter is always found at the Quidditch stadium during the day if Harry wants to try to improve his practise time for catching the Golden Snitch. In the PC version, Wood appears after Harrys first Defence Against the Dark Arts Class. Wood leads Harry to the Quidditch pitch, and re teaches Harry how to play Quidditch. Percy Weasley Voice Lewis Mac. Leod PS2 and Xbox, and PCMAC a Gryffindor prefect, older brother of Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. Video Convert Master Crack. Percy can be found in the Gryffindor Tower study room at night he does not like to be disturbed, and will throw Harry out of the room if he catches him. The only way to reach Fred and Georges shop see above is through the study room. In the computer game, Percy is only seen in Gryffindor tower or the Duelling Club if Harry visits there in between classeschallenges. Peeves Voice Chris Crosby PC, PS1, GBA, GBC, a poltergeist. Harry meets him repeatedly in the game. This is also the first and only game in which he is shown to have a napping place and the ability to shrink. Windows Create Iso File more. Gregory Goyle Hes one of Malfoys friends and is playable when Harry transforms in him. In the usual games only he is playable, while on the GBC, Crabbe is also playable. Lee Jordan commentating only, is the commentator for Quidditch and is good friends with Fred and George Weasley. Lucius Malfoy The father of Draco. He is seen in Borgin and Burkes and then in Diagon Alley. He is also mentioned during Harrys Quidditch training. The last cutscene he appears in is the one where he fires Dumbledore and arrests Hagrid. Tom Riddle The young version of Lord Voldemort. He is controlled by his diary. The diary is destroyed during the showdown in the Chamber of Secrets and Riddle is destroyed with it. Cho Chang mentioned only. Cedric Diggory mentioned only. Millicent Bulstrode mentioned only. Spells. Note Not all spells are available in all versions of the game. Flipendo all versions triggers switches and moves objects. Harry learned this spell in Philosophers Stone. Harry always begins the game with this spell.